Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Another update

Was out today and bought a ghost magazine and advertised on the back cover is www.hauntednetwork.ning.com, this looks like a great repository for all supernatural info.. let's hope my memberships is approved :-)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Plea for information

Hi again , I am currently living in Dundalk co.Louth, I know this is a very ancient area steeped in folklore and myth, I was just wondering does anyone have any information on areas of paranormal activity in the area

Friday, July 23, 2010

Seek and ye shall find

http://www.dublinparacon.com/ the paranormal comes to Dublin :-)

looks good value details on the link above tickets a reasonable €15.00

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tales of young boy

Do you have many memories from your early childhood?
Have you spoken to someone about them ?
was there any inconsistency in the stories?

I have a vivid memory from childhood of a fire that took place across the road from my grandparents home, I remember the fire brigade, running to the front door to see what was happening... the heat of the flames and the noise of the fire engines,
The only problem is that no one else seems to recall this event!!!

Now my memory is very very patchy from my early years but this one strong vivid memory stands out.. but did it ever happen?

This all happened in Stoneybatter in Dublin, Oxmantown place, the abandoned area was always called the 'Broko' not sure of the spelling here but close enough I am sure. There is an old folks centre there now, if anyone knows if anything like this ever happened any information would be much appreciated.

Ghost Hunting

This is something I gotta get me... serious ghost busting tech...muahhhhh

now you best be scared: poetry time

Crimson Twilight

Evil stems from places

The tragic and scared faces

Beauty in the eye of the beholder

A young woman never to grow older

The time has come she will show the way

How many are dead by her hands this day

A lover learns last

he stands frightfully aghast

‘Tis my time you say?

I die by your hand today?

Her lovers’ lacerations bleed

She sends her pet demons in to feed

I loved you she said in a spit

Now forever we go to the pit

another lover’s tale is told

another couple never to grow old

***** My entery into the Crimson twilight poetry contest**************

First Encounter

I was young, definitely less than 10, come to think of it maybe 4-5 years younger than 10. My imagination ran wild.There was an abandoned house on our street 4 doors down, the house was in a state of disrepair and the gardens had grown wild.The house was referred to as 'cats', looking back this may have been as there were cats in the house. To this day I remember running through that long grass and sheepishly approaching the dirt smeared windows to take a look inside. To gaze on broken furniture and dirt, and always in the corner of your eye the shadows would stir, was that the flicker of movement. From my recollection even the adults called the house cats,was this my first run in with a haunted house? did my childish imagination run wild? I honestly don't know but, there is something out there. Something not quite right something like the shadows forever in the corner of your eye, we all have to try catch our glimpse

Was this what I seen ?